500 Lootboxes

Before and after me opening 500 lootboxes. In total I made ~45,000 scrap from just the white, greens, blues and basic hats and ~2000 from the bad hats/masks. [Before] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jSI60g7sxS1LLTmA59GokxjQdeus7tzu/view?usp=sharing) After

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Wow, That’s a lot of Scrap! ! ! ! !

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Shit happens yo, i’ve spent over 200k once to get like 3 purples, or get 3 legends in 4 boxes. Lady luck’s a bitch i tell ya. Sometimes we do need to know when to stop.


Heh then theres my luck

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Pls inform me.grabs popcorn

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Ive pretty much unboxed every exotic that can be in less than 3 months


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fuck you

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How did you even get so many boxes? and what are the stats of that legendary i saw in the video clip :eyes:

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