A Big Ol' Suggestion Post with added bacon

I’ll shove a nuke up your arse

Instead of having to implement the whole family share check thing, it might be easier to make the starter pack a 1 time purchase of a very low amount, maybe around the same price as extended tags? I feel like people are less likely to spoof stuff if it costs them money, even if it is a very low amount. Problem with that would be that it would then be less available to the newer members, I suppose. Actually, this idea has several flaws. Still gonna suggest it though.

Harry’s already shown that he can use the family share check, and Harry has already done it anyway so…

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The thing with that is: harry is making starter kits to attract more players. The intire point of the kits is that they are free so the new players are not at a disadvantage. If it would cost money only people who already play on the server would buy them, because they know what to expect


Added new things, including D/T items, fixed the sorting, and removed the tutorial since it has been added.

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Dissolve the server.


Don’t staff piss enough people off with current commands cough @Torterra1111 cough

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Im not the one who abuses this, that belongs to @Kokichi_Ouma and @player_135
Clearly you need to keep a tally of who abuses the most.

I don’t care I always see you doing it that is all that matters

You’re getting awfully fat.

Removed the pull crowbar since it exists now, and changed “Unique Weapon Slot” to just “Unique Weapons”.

Mandatory Geography Test for new players. :thinking:


This is a good idea image

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I mean i like it but i think theres better ways to execute it

I’ll execute you.


Wtf the bacon made it ultra resistent

Lol I accidentally did that whilst trying to make it stay open for 6 months

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The few years are fine

Nah fam I did this one, for a very specific year :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well played.