'Admin abuse' 3000

we were on a map called GM construct at which point the admins that didnt like that map started to try and vote us off said map, and i didnt want to leave so i started saying both both voice and regular chat “Press 2” to say no or “dont press any buttons” when there wasnt a no choice, at which point 3000 kicked me with no warning, so i rejoined and did it less, but the maps were still being voted against at which point i was kicked again

3000 also kicked insert blank who was also trying to get people to not leave the map, he was given no warning aswell

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Meme done the usual Meme thing where he joins the server and starts ruining the place.
He voted for a terrible map to troll and you all voted for it.
then a lot of people started complaining, you and blank were being pricks and trying to stop the votes so we had to stay on the map
so I took matters into my own hands

that being said fuck off you scamming moany cunt


A kick is nothing, stop scamming new players too.


You alright Doppel man?


Yeah im good man


Our voices should not be silenced due to your agenda. You should of warned us to stop spamming before doing that. Being kicked for no reason is not fair and justifiable.

That being said dragging a persons actions to justify your own is dirty and unfair. Admins should be more respectful

Even if Badger is being dirty

you alright paddy man?



Bardger and another person, knew exactly what they are doing.
I asked them to stop spamming.
But they just kept being retards and laughed.
I think it’s pretty justified for a simple kick.

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my agenda lmao fuck off

You are not a martyr for free speech. Take a seat.

You’re aware of the rules and by playing on the server subscribe to them. That is your warning.

Translate to English as soon as is convenient.

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Seat taken. Apologies.

What I was trying to say Paddy was you cant Say your ok to do something if the person is doing something Wrong before the event happened.

Harrysmod infested with SJWs and Whiteknights can i get some mcloving on my mcshlobbing



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