Biological Trap's Ban Appeal

This is locked until someone who was involved with this can continue the discussion. Heskan is annoying me too much. I will likely be asleep when a person is able to open this so don’t bother pinging. Pls.

This, my friends, is why ban appeals should be private between staff and the player.


And yeah, it’s not a mouse.

  1. Snap Snap Snap.
  2. Snap(But here it might be lag)
    But still, the main reason is the first video.

@Heskan I’ve muted you until Monday on the forums. You have been warned several times not to behave like this and warned not to get involved when you have nothing decent to add.

Apologies to OP for this notification.


So I’m assuming there’s no way I can appeal for the ban?

You already have appealed. However, the ban will remain unless you can somehow prove to us that we have made a mistake and there were no cheats involved.

I mean I can’t prove that. Apparently my constant lagging with like 10 FPS is what caused the whole suspicion in the first place and I really can’t fix that.

My ping is perfectly fine, it’s just my garbo computer

The video sent by Red Line. If you want to even have a chance to be unbanned, explain what happened at 2 seconds. After you kill the first person, then instalock on the other person? Until you respond to this with a valid reason, there’s most likely not gonna be any chance of an unban.