Excel Ban Appeal

Person who banned you: Paddy
Reason for ban:Ghosting
Time of ban: 25/03/2019 17:40 Uk time
Screenshot of ban message : https://gyazo.com/3db530b820faba47272bdd2d61468c2d
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127473224
Reason for appeal: I think there was simply not enough evidence. Me and my friend we’re as always in a discord call, and when my friend Office saw me get killed and saw that the person that killed me ran off and that all the other people alive, but him we’re right next to him, he said “sus on Paddy because the person that killed ran off and he’s the only one not here”

My statement found here also applies to this ban appeal.

@CCX9010 has provided the final verdict after deliberations on the appeal by Office. It can be found here.

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Hey so this has been reduced to two weeks per my decision. I invite you to PM me if that’s not acceptable in your mind. Bans have already been adjusted.