Harrys Mod Suggestions + Ideas

Ajgunstones Selection of Random crap! Original post - Harrys Mod Suggestions + Ideas
So apparently all my ideas make no sence according to some people so i’m going to simplify all of them because I have nothing better to do.

1 Skins with stats Original post - Skins With Stats
You can unbox skins with certain stats, like hats. The stat type could be:

  • Full ammo when spawned
  • Increased ammo cappacity ( Over all not clip )
  • Accuracy when crouching *( But only low ammouts )
  • Please add more possible ideas in the comments

Possibly making skin loot boxes the only crate that can contain skins can solve this skin problem, and all we need is a famas, pistol and sawn off skin, The famas is already made, the sawn off is not achievable yet supposedly so all we need is a pistol.

2 Coloured Hats Original post - Coloured Hats + New Skins?
Like guns hats have a colour depending on rarity, not the hat its self, the boarded around it.

  • Normal hats - Grey
  • Normal hats with stats - Green
  • T1 unusuals - Blue - Purple
  • T2 unusuals - Purple - Gold
    The colour depends on the stat high for the multiple choise one.

3 New, Useless traitor weapons Original post - New but pointless Traitor Weapons!
Now if taunts become a thing for everyone, this idea would not be very good.
A new t menu buyable that when you do any ammount of damage to someone with a gun your chosen song will start playing.

4 Trade block + Item Lock Original post - Trade Block and Item Lock
The ability to stop trades coming through and to stop specific items from being sold
and, locking items in your inventory so you can not accidentally scrap or unbox them.

5 Re-Rolling Original post - Re-roll Guns, Hats and Stats!
Re trying for stats on current hats and possibly guns, it will cost a certain ammount of scrap to do so.

6 Unusual weapons Original post - General Ideas for Harrys mod - #6 by ajgunstone
All guns have a chance of getting an unusual effect ( Tf2 effects again ) but legendarys are gaurnteed a higher level effect ( if they are graded like current hats ).
[Edit] - Possibly making skins have the effect so you don’t get awful guns with great effects, which also can link to the skin idea and its tires.

7 Items with stat clocks No Origial post - https://ttt.harry.xyz/not_original
A new crate that you can get certain counters in ( like tf2 ) and they are applyable to anything, and can count random crap.

  • Kills
  • Buy menu items bought
  • damage taken (idk)
  • Put your ideas in the comments :wink:

8 Scrapped Items menu No original post
When you accidentally scrap your favorite item there should be a list of recently scrapped items that you can get back for the amount you gained for scrapping + some, there should be a limit for this a day and increased for vips. to prevent scamming in trades with this, once you have received a trade or sent a trade, it should be impossible to scrap items or possible but impossible to un scrap them.

9 Scrap in lootboxes No original post
In standard loot boxes there should be a small chance of getting scrap, not so much that you can afford another loot box, but small ammounts, like a t2 guns worth, but very rarely you can get up to 1k+ scrap, I think this will be good since people want large amounts of scrap as they get better and better weapons and more items will revolve around the server.

Others Ideas:
Now some of my other ideas were dumb so I didn’t include them but, here are some other peoples that are quite cool and I want to advertise them.

Vote here: (All the ideas are numbered and you can vote 7 times if you like them all!)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
0 voters

Every 7 ideas there will be a new poll for the next 7.

The majority of the ideas here will not effect the game play only the aesthetics as I don’t want even more powerful weapons to exist.


such a dumb idea. Change to shitpost please


Doppel gay xd


:ok_hand: mate

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I actually like a majority of these ideas. I totally forgot the skins with stats idea. I like that idea the most. Although it would probably have to wait until every gun has at least one skin, it would put use to the endless swarms of skins you get through lootboxes


skins with stats are a cool idea.


Using a stock tf2 unusual effect a gun could look like this
There are effects designed for the guns but here is an example of the hat effects on a gun.
I also can’t find images of the gun effects without any backgrounds showing through them.

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it looks cool i think might be a purple outlaw Ak-27

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with a fast fire rate like 50.5 or 43.2 or something like that and maybe a 10.5 if it was purple and if it yellow it would have like a 30.6 damage boost

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I’m not sure what you mean but, t3 (purple) and Legendarys (Yellow) will have the effects on legendary guaranteed to and t3 a chance, nothing to do with the stats.

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But putting the effects on skins would be better since you wont get an awful gun with a great effect, you only get a cool skin.
It would be like the current hats, (linking 2 ideas)
Normal hats = Normal Skins
hats with stats = Skins with stats
Unusual hats with <18% stats = Unusual skins with <18% stats

t2 unusual effects should have higher stats.

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Here is what it would be like with the ideas combined. Please read original ideas so this all makes sence.
Grey - Common
Gun - Single tire of low stats.
Hat - No stats
Skin - No stats

Green - UnCommon
Gun - Double tire of low stats.
Hat - Low stats
Skin - Low stats

Blue - Rare
Gun - Double tire of medium stats.
Hat - Medium stats
Skin - Medium stats

Purple - Epic
Gun - Triple tire of medium stats.
Hat - Medium stats and t1 unusual effect
Skin - medium stats + Unusual effect

Gold / Yellow - Legendary
Gun - Triple tire of high stats.
Hat - High stats and t2 unusual effect
Skin - High stats + Unusual effect

Once you have combined all of these and they are all the same tire (Leg gun, leg skin, leg unusual effect and possible leg hat), the weapon upgrades to a new tire, nothing changes, only the colour of the background and type, possibly called Mythical.


yea this good

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Whoa there, you think im adding something to the thread so its bumped and becomes relevant again? well, you’re right, vote on it <3


yep i would

This is going to come up in your latest lmao :wink:
So here’s more ideas, and if you haven’t already, check above for the original post.

1 Market Place
Now I’m not sure if is has been made yet but apparently its coming, and its going to be like ebay so in addition to that there could be:

  • Raffles
  • Extra selling space for VIPS
  • Buy now and bidding at the same time ( steal ebay code plz )
  • Item requests that appear when you have an item like it ( trade block plz <3 )

2 Remove guns? ( Dumb idea, make Minecraft only or summin idk )
Guns that spawn on the map could be removed and replaced with ammo to reduce lag.
you can then get stock guns from a drop down list in the corner of the secondary primary and so on box, this could also be done with unstated hats. New players would also find the inventory a lot quicker if they are prompted towards it quicker.
What if I want to snipe someone when I have a shot gun? Where will I pick up a rifle.
This would make people think about what guns they choose a lot more, like taking 2 shot guns would be a dumb idea, it would also make gun demand a lot higher as everyone wants sets of guns now as well.

3 Weapon balance:
Now the shot gun nerf was great for non shotgun users, it kind of ruined them, but some still one shot.
Now im fine with one shot shot guns but not ones that can shoot, and kill a person, and then the next millisecond shoot again, and kill a person, there should be a gap of reaction time so other players have A CHANCE OF KILLING TWISTED SHADOW!!! This could be solved by REMOVING FIRE RATE ON SHOT GUNS and increasing the base stat by a small amount, the current fire rate stats could be replaced with a new stat. please add your ideas ,or a current stat that wont completely ruin the guns rarity, desire and overall cost.

lmao I forgot the other shit I was gonna talk about, I r dum, I had like 10 things, oh well, eat poo , :wink:

Edit: I remember one now
4 New players
I see a lot of new players with un opened loot boxes and I try to teach them to open them but they are all morons. There needs to be a system to teach them, like a message that only they can see that is on their screen screaming at them to press f3 or I, once they are on the menu, some kind of diagram of everything could help and a skip all box. Also teaching new players item rarity’s, because its so easy to get a legendary off of a level 5, you to dummy bren level 5: yo homi type !trade I sent you a gun! Wowcha works every time.

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I completely agree with #4

‘other players’