HarrysMod Photo Contest - Egg Gun Edition

Hello folks! There are two egg guns that were meant to be given out. As that has not happened, they are instead being used as an incentive to take part in a brand new contest! Running alongside the Hat and Mask contest, this one will be taking a different approach: screenshots! Take a screenshot of something in HarrysMod that fits a category. Capturing the best screenshots for each category will be the path to victory!

HarrysMod Minecraft is also allowed

Event end date: 9th May

Categories and prizes

Category 1: Funny

  • Any screenshot that is funny is eligible.
  • Prize: Egg Gun

Category 2: Admins do the funniest things

  • Any screenshot of an Owner/Community Manager/Staff/Helper in a funny situation (this includes command abuse)
  • Prize: Egg Gun

Bonus Category: Awesome

  • Any screenshot that is awesome/badass/cool
  • Prize: 40k Scrap OR an (obtainable) Exotic weapon of your choice

Rules and Information

  • A good caption is recommended. While not necessary, it can help to add to the screenshot. Just make sure it’s good.
  • This screenshot MUST be taken in HarrysMod.
  • You may submit up to 2 screenshots for each category. These MUST be submitted directly to me or CCX, though it is preferred if you send to me. They won’t be counted if not sent to me or CCX. They can be sent through forum PMs, Discord DMs, or by pigeon if you’re a lunatic.
  • Screenshots do not need to be cropped.
  • No editing the screenshots. They must work on their own. And with a caption I suppose.
  • When sending in your final entries, you must specify that they are your final submission for that category.
  • Your final entries for each category will not be shown to the public until after the judging has been completed. This is to ensure that the judges are going in without knowing what they will be seeing.
  • Entries for each category will be judged by a group of (randomly chosen active) Staff.
  • Follow the rules when obtaining screenshots. Don’t RDM people just to get a good screenshot, because you’ll get punished harder for that.

Event timeline

  • April 9th - Competition start
  • May 9th - Submission end date
  • May 10th-12th - Judging
  • May 12th/13th - Winner reveals + screenshots made public

Good luck, and have fun!



penis jokes

Why dont we just get given the egg guns

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Hey CCX, do you want to congratulate me now? or Later?
It’s up to you, just saves the messing about when I win.

Because if you get a couple of RDMers there would be eggsplosions everywhere. XD

Insert Blank Here: blacks are so unfriendly and deserve to be eradicated


You sir, are amazing

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Are Harryscraft screenshots allowed?

10 characters.

When the fuck did i say that?
Screenshot or lies >:frowning:

uhhhhhhhhh paddy told me :^)

Epic Winner Chicken Hmod Minecraft Egg Beast Mode :smile:


this should win



Epic funny lol time entry time not real but epic dab moment i got achievement for killing dragon

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No one like dan’s post.
if you do, you are hitler.

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Good job i have german ancestors!

Are vids ok or just pics?