I'm on holiday, funny meme time

If you did not know, I’m away in the bahamas for 3 weeks returning Sept 3rd and as I sit in a wifi place I had a funny idea.

Reply here with the best user name, profile picture and what I should do when I come back.

I will only look at the fourms when I return and will join the server in the evening.

This is only for your entertainment. Give me da memes

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Make a giveaway? :]
Have a nice vacation!


Good Night
Sleep tight

Let the bedbugs devour you

Your dad holding a crab and trying to replicate crab rave profile.

Username: XxZz_dadfunniestgamerzZxX (very funni and original I know epic)

And when you come back go on holiday for 97 week

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You’re new name is Norman.
You have lived in a bin for the last 3 weeks.

Continue from here

Name: Crème brûlée

PfP: tenor%20(2)

You should give me scrap when you return

Yumi as duck

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