Interim event suggestions

Competitive ttt but with only one gun allowed to be used (eg Deagles only)


Also id suggest a juggernaut event

Default guns only. Therefore it will be somewhat fair.

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an event where codey can’t bs me out of the prize, so probably not one based on skill ):

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interm event, no prizes… all B U L L S H I T

The fuck does interm mean

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The opposite of outterm


Interim - a different way to say meanwhile. while we wait for the next compeitive event i will host something smol

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Do you actually vote tory but

Why the fuck would i vote tory?
do i look like some upper eshalon rich fuck boy who wants to fuck the plannet dry for a quick high like some despate druggy in a public bathroom injecting meth into his balls? (or SuperLuke)

My grandfather was a english teacher, Blame him


yes you do

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user has been banned by Insert blank here, Reason: Wrong awnser

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hi im here to appeal

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hello welcomë to appel u git band 4 cooking Önion wrœng so u git denied loves and kisses - female staff member

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i promise to never cook again

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Ök!!!( löl that ur name) ur appel git acceptance go plaÿ!!

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wë ha ve recondsifdred our choice since u r big fuck up and teist Read this to report someone or you will be banned so u have died

What the hell is going on. I’m either high or just to damn idiotic to understand that language.


A tsunami of santa’s


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