Map Voting Poll V2

Making this post for reasons that i want to know what maps people like and what features to some they dont like, if you can vote one and simply comment in small detail the reason for picking it like, “This maps layout is big but adventurous”
or “I like the fact of diffrent levels but to many spots for snipers/campers”
This post ties into the other one called (Idea of a new map! UwU!)

Map Voting Poll
  • ttt_airbus_b3
  • ttt_aircraft_v3
  • ttt_bb_teenroom_b2
  • ttt_casino_b2
  • ttt_clue_2018_b7
  • ttt_community_bowling_v5a
  • ttt_community_pool_2017_b4
  • ttt_construction_v3
  • ttt_de_dolls_v3
  • ttt_island_2013
  • ttt_lost_temple_v2
  • ttt_minecraftcity_v4
  • ttt_nuclear_power_v4_fix
  • ttt_rooftops_2016_v1
  • ttt_waterworld
  • ttt_old_factory
  • ttt_roy_the_ship
  • ttt_skyscraper_2015_v1p_f4

0 voters


not multiple choice


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ttt_minecraftcity_v4 is my favourite map on the server for a few reasons.

  • Multiple T rooms
    Having multiple T rooms allows the Traitors to get around the map quickly. One issue with many maps (for example, Nuclear) is that Traitors need to chase Innocents around the entire map and they can’t easily get to other places. While having multiple T rooms can be unbalanced, this map balances it somewhat by making 2 of them only link to the main T room, which in turn links to a set point in the water. Also the main T room has the lava trap which allows you to do more than just retreat into the T room.

  • Multiple paths
    You can go over the ground, through the water tunnel, or through the underground tunnel with lava. Having several options allows for greater tactical play, and makes T items much more usable as there are various places where they are great.

An improvement I would make
I believe a good TTT map has a variety of T traps, ranging from lethal to tactical to annoying. This map has, at most, the two lava traps.


The reason for that is so the most overall favorite map can been seen and like sir RysRaptor hes left a in depth detailed post explaing the map and reasons, if i left it multiple choice some maps would out vote others i felt. Your welcome to explain in the comments about how you like more than just one map and with reason’s, thats also fine :slightly_smiling_face:

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in that case i may aswell fuck it and give some meaty answers.

i have two maps id consider favorite on this server, ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 and ttt_experimental shapes. at face value, these maps are as far as possible from eachother, yet i like them both greatly. rooftops is brilliantly large, open, full of detail and beautiful (also a campers love story). shapes is a medium ish map, rough, abstract and full of “buildings” (cover and inside spaces). these maps def have some bias to certain weapons and items, but end up rounding up to a fair interesting fight. there are multiple paths and ways to get to areas and moonman works brill on em.

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edit : nvm am stupod

The reasons why I despise mc_minecraftcity_v4

The map looks bad
Generally normal minecraft looks good! but the problem is that the map has been made on garry’s mod, which makes it looks like shit. the lack of “realistic” shading outside makes me sick. All of the blocks just look off to me and I wish I was just playing normal minecraft

The map stabs fps on older hardware (not like waterworld tho)
Whenever I’m playing on my laptop I physically have to leave the server because it becomes unplayable combining the horrible graphics with the scrappy fps.

General amount of ladders
The map has a lot of ladders, which most are very hard to get up without touching them. Now this wouldn’t be an issue if the pull90/sso bug was fixed

Walking up a whole block without having to jump messes up with my head. It’s not something you can just change tho, making it so you have to jump every block would be horrible as well. Mc maps shouldn’t even exist.

Sum good
The map has plenty of ammo which is always a good thing, and the layout is interesting like rhys said. I’m just sad such an idea was wasted on a fucking mc map

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Lemme do a fun separate poll

Who here actually likes ttt_minecraftcity_v4?
  • I do!
  • I don’t!

0 voters

skyscraper because i can be a sneaky piece of shit and snipe the hell out of people, the problem is what i just said, but i like it anyways

community pool is underrated

Things to note beforehand: I prefer playing semi-competitively when I play ttt, so I tend to play mostly seriously, and treat maps with a competitive mindset.

Maps I enjoy a lot on this list:
Casino - The layout is consistently fun, as it works well competitively, but isn’t a free win for the traitors every round, because it can force a traitor to play aggressively, and forces you to outplay your opponents. The only notable downsides are that people tend to stay outside, which can make some rounds really hard as traitor, especially for people with poor weapons. Also people tend to stick close by, so you need good gamesense, map knowledge, and hearing to know when to make moves, and without these you will perform poorly most of the time as a traitor.

Skyscraper: This map is generally really fun, the layout is simple and easy to understand. It is one of my favorite maps to play on this server, because with good positioning and timing, any traitor with almost any weapon can win and you don’t need any map knowledge to do well.

Maps I think are meh:
Airbus: Airbus can be fun, but it’s a really hard map to learn. There’s a lot of rooms and that can be confusing for new players, not to mention how terribly unbalanced it is for traitors. First, in several cases there will be several people on top of the airbus, forcing a traitor to either A. Spend a credit on a c4. B. Rely on their aim and gun and make a risky play. C. Wait.
I don’t care much for this map, and it would be rated lower for me but I like the disco bar room :slight_smile:

island: Island is fun, and it can be played decently competitively, but its mostly just sniper/garand/sg550 heaven. It doesn’t require much skill, but small tricks can help. I don’t mind playing this map but it definitely is not my favorite.

Community Pool: Its one of my favorite maps to play, but it is awful competitively if there are more than 6 players. It becomes exceedingly hard to kill people in such an open building when theres more than 6 people.

Maps I dislike or prefer not to play:
Rooftops: This one is definitely controversial, but I do have a few good reasons as to why it’s bad.

  1. This map practically forces you to use a Rifle, Garand, or Sg550, and the snipes on this map are super easy to hit, since all you have to do to win the round is hide somewhere random with a rifle and pick people off.
  2. The skybox easter egg makes it impossible for someone to reach a player unless they also happen to know the easter egg, which is rare. Its cost many people t round’s that they could/should have won.
  3. This map basically makes anyone who doesn’t have an extremely long range weapon able to do nearly nothing against any sniper.

Clue: I just dislike clue. It could be extremely fun to play competitively if people didnt just stay in one of 2 rooms. Pretty much the entire round as a T is just either you make a risky play in the main room against several people, you wait until someone finally leaves the main two rooms, then pick them off, or you place c4 and get a free win. It is boring.

Waterworld: its just like rooftops. Snipers are the meta, anything else is just bad. Its hard to get clean kills without a sniper or mobility exotic like pull90 or sso.

Any other maps I dont have a strong opinion about or dont care enough to write about

As for things I think you should keep in mind when making your map, try to consider more competitive aspects of things, like keep in mind weapon ranges, try to make a map where most weapons can be used well, instead of having one-sided maps like rooftops that is very heavily in-favor of snipers.
Adding fun easter eggs like rooftops or music boxes like airbus is generally a good idea for making the map interesting. Also try to avoid something like casino or clue’s problem of having most people in one area at almost the whole time.

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Like a minute or two after this is activated, a damage trigger goes over the skybox and forces players inside to get out, since this can damage players inside, and since the portal out only takes them to one incredibly open area, which is visible from every sniper spot on the map, almost™ every other spot on the map, and is incredibly easy to memorise, It puts a massive target on the innocents that use it if a traitor wants a free kill and in no way makes the job of the T harder.
Tldr skill issue

just because you can remember a spot doesnt mean you wont get silenced sniped from that spot. And im well aware of the damage you take while in the skybox, but if someone chooses to tank the damage they can delay 1-2 mins of a round, and if theres only 1-2 minutes left in the round, then its a free win for the innocent in the skybox unless the traitor knows about the skybox easter egg.

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I feel uncomfortable being around you

ttt_minecraftcity_v4 is my fave