Ok since this category doesn't have to be hmod related I have a question/help needed

Is there any decent video editing software out there that doesn’t cost a small fortune/is free

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depends if you want to obtain it legit :pog:


If you got some unlegit sources without viruses please tell me


I got mine years ago so no longer sadly.

iMovie good if you happen to have a Mac around.
it doesn’t come with windows anymore but Windows movie maker was okay and can still be downloaded from MS somewhere I think

NCH do quite a good one from memory, for the life of me I can’t remember what it’s called though

Edit: https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html?kw=video%20editing%20software%20free&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_j1BRDkARIsAJcfmTEClIciZ6SuyJSYVl13FcmP22r_jeFiWFEm6ulac9Q4U_eL6j3mRC4aAreEEALw_wcB

I’ve used their screencap software before and it’s pretty good


The best software for vid editing that I’ve used is Adobe After effects if you wanted to go down that route obvs expensive

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pm me the softwares you prefer that do cost money ill help


NCH is working really well so far, thanks alot ccx

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nah i dont need anything, thanks for the offer tho

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If that fails, bandicam the free one is great, it only records in max 10 min burst cause it’s free, but it’s survived me and my pc


i said editing software

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You can easily find editing software for free just search up like “Song Vegas Pro Free” and you’ll probably find a vid on youtube and they’ll give you a patch for the free trial

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Green is hacker man


yes big hax


well i do know one but its for adroid on phone not pc but i think its also on pc

its called vlogstar.
Hope you could find it

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i spent a few hours working in an unventilated room using plastic glue (all solvent based) so my brain doesn’t work


i thonk you need a better job

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this is hobby

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you are a masochist???

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nope god no

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I use Hitfilm Express. Free to download, not had any problems with it yet.