PermBan ._

So i got banned yesterday (perma ban) and i was confused cuz it said mass rdm and i had killed like 1 or 2
What do i do now???
My username is Juhhe

Well first of what is your username
we cannot claim to know what you did wrong if we dont know how you are called

do a proper unban format.

and you just admitted to rdm good job :clap:


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


what he said baso

hey, he flaged my post. truth hurts doesn’t it juhhe
I think we should just keep him perma

this is what I said before he flagged or hid it: you had Rdmed multiple people. T-buddys. random innocents. and just killing with an excuse of “they shot me” which half the time wasn’t true. you also, for no reason, came at me at least once, just shooting with the same excuse stated before, when I hadn’t done anything.

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