Played an old game again

played titanfall 2 again. my nostalgia has not blinded me. i was playing the game wrong, and trying to snipe. sniping sucks ass in titanfall 2. i will now take back what i said about it being a bad game, it is an epic game


sniping in titanfall 2 is better then in most fps games as it truly requires skill


actually uses shotgun like a boss


oh dear, a mastiff man


no. ive been using eva and double take quite a bit. very fun guns

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Arky if you have a ps4 buy doom eternal buy it its the best game for ps4 and don’t buy the Las of us 2 (unless you want to watch sex scenes between 2 malesbecuse one looks like a woman but isn’t and they force you to beat the shit out of Ellie in the game SPOILERS SPOILER WATCH OUT and another reason not to buy the game becuse Joel dies

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