Skin creation thread

If all Legendarys had the option to be gold (As in the reflective gold) would people want that in the game?
They had the option to be normal, have skins but by default they are gold, just "showing of they are legendary. I was considering making all guns have a gold version and appear like this:

The metal of the gun would be gold accept for minor parts that it would not be necessary and wood and stocks of guns would not be gold.

  • Yes, The option to have a legendary weapon gold would be cool!
  • No, Gold legendarys is a bad idea

0 voters

I thought this would be cool since legendarys are not far off t3s and they only difference is a name, a few stats and a gold bar, and yet they are the rarest thing in the game!

If you voted no, can I have your opinion? I want to know why!


This poll is probably going to be inconclusive, cause people that don’t have legendary weapons are going to vote no.

idk I don’t have legendary weps and I voted yes so

Is there a tool or something that you use to make these

sending a pm to you containing info soon

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If it helps, click: How to create Skins!

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I also have darkened copies if these are too light and a less solid red on another


Im just going to make skins for all the guns that dont currently have them, I also see there are current skins for guns that need better or skins in this so I would recommend to harry you add them for the time being.

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me me me me me (10 char)

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I made an M16 Street Art skin, based off of Doppel’s famas design.


ty bby gurl, i love it its come out lovely jubbly

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This is your mum gey skin, i made it thanks.


can’t anyone make a skin for the sawed off shotgun

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Damn BOI! that’sa beautyful famas if i ever saw one.

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we need more p90 skinns

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Well I made the famas skin because there was no skin for it, we only need a pistol sawn off and famas so every gun can have one, then I will.

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blood tiger/zebra

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““Legit Awp rifle sking””


I was just testing out photo shop tools with this, I don’t expect it to be added, but here it is anyway
““P90 Claret””




Some dees skins looking fresh

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Aj, unless the AWP skin has a massive white text with LEGIT, it ain’t mine

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