Weapon Survey - Prelude to Testing Period #2

Hey folks, made a survey as I want your opinions about weapons, Exotics, etc. This will be used to help decide how the Testing Period #2 will play out. As might be obvious, #1 stayed permanent. Stat boosts will not be touched with the next balancing.

All entrants will be eligible for entry in a giveaway for new Exotics that are coming. Winners will be able to choose between two new Exotics I will be developing, so stay tuned!


Me answer first hehe


I spent way to long answering that


thank yuo


Mr rapture is it going to be raffled or the best anseer or more usefull ones

Raffle. Though meme entries will be discarded for it.

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i did the thing but i made it as serious as possible for me :slight_smile:

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