Once upon a time there was a map we knew as Cozy house (old clue) but it was removed due to unknown reasons. We ask ourselfes what ever happened to that map and why was it removed? well that is the question we are gonna answer today. told from the Perspective of multiple people. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepping my shotgun and p228 im waiting till the round starts up in the attic. shutting off the Jukebox as some funny person shut off the lights. "its about to start. now lets see if im a traitor in this massive shitfest of 20 people". 3.... 2..... 1...... "you are a traitor your T Buddy's are perskuleBener , ya_boi_Pasta , Nobrain. work together to bring the terrorists to light." "oho? on this map? hehehe..... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "i Pity the fools who have to play against this" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As i was walking around clue Listening closely for c4's i heard KOS Pasta which means a aggresive shotgun player is running around. "great as if i need any of those problems right now...." i sigh knowing what it is i have to prepare for. about 10 seconds later i heard the dreaded words you dont want to hear on this map "KOS nobrain" while at the same time "KOS Kokichi" oh dear. "oh god look out for c4's!" someone else called out. but all i could think of was Getting into the save zone in between the c4's if there even is one. In the meantime pasta and Kokichi went down leaving 2 T's left. From the 18 online only 10 remain i still went to hide knowing full well that both nobrain and kokichi stuffed this place full of c4's after 30 seconds 3 explosions went off. and 15 seconds later 3 more. it seems The building couldnt Handle the force of the explosions. and it fell to the ground. Completely demolished. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lmao is all i have to say. Random cunts crashed the servers with c4's. Oh well restart it while also replacing that map with this new one called clue. and i dont have to bother with anything else. Time to make more money.