The machine of art item #:SCP-6361 Object class: Safe/Keter Special Containment procedures: SCP-6361 is Contained in A Special hold Cell Designated for large machines. SCP-6361 is to be guarded by 2 guards at the entrance. only Personnel with Clearance Level 2 or higher are allowed to enter the Containment chamber. When used for testing 3 Class d's at most accompanied by the guards at the Containment Entrance. otherwise no special Procedures needed.[SEE ADDENDUM 3 AND INCIDENT LOG 1] Description: SCP-6361 is Similair in Shape of that of SCP-914 however it acts Different. first of it has no Setting. and both the input and output are covered by curtains. Once Either personel or a Class D make a request by asking at the input side they will make a life size drawing of whatever you want(more information on request's [See ADDENDUM 1]). Once requested and The conditions have been met. the Requester is asked to move to the output side of the machine. 15-20 Minutes later the Life size Drawing will be given out of the ouput hole at the output side. SCP-6361 will halt work if any attempt at Watching the input or output Rooms are made. not counting the requester. SCP-6361 can also put its drawings on other objects besides paper but will require extra payment. Depending on the Request SCP-6361 can react Differently From Simply refusing to [SEE ADDENDUM 2] ADDENDUM 1: The requester as the person asking for the drawing is called. will be asked to bring different objects so That it will accept the request. usually ranging from Simple things as Wood and Metal to Food and [Classified data for personnel with clearance 4 or higher]. though that last one will only be asked if they have proper Clearance. Seemingly it also accepts requests from Varieing SCP's. Through the requests SCP-6361 Makes it is assumed that a living thing Is inside the machine. however any attempts at seeing The Being Have been met with Negative effect.[SEE ADDENDUM 2]. However The Drawings seem to have a perculiar effect. [SEE ADDENDUM 4] ADDENDUM 2: Usually Drawings of non humanoid Creatures are denied Though in some special Cases it seems to accept but the payment is larger than usual. for More information [SEE RESEARCH LOG]. Any Attempt at Recording footage of the Drawing procedure is met with a black Screen and a Destroyed System. When asking SCP-6816 to spy on SCP-6361 it succeeded for 1 second before being Forced out of the camera system and having its Memory erased. And Similair with SCP-6816 all memories of the personal watching SCP-6816 do its work was also erased. and all Files at that specific System and any linked to it were Deleted leaving no trace of whats inside SCP-6361. SCP-6816 Refuses to do any task in which it has to deal with SCP-6361 ADDENDUM 3: [SEE EXPERIMENT LOGS] after [DATA EXPUNGED] made that request a Creature Similair to [SEE ADDENDUM 4]SCP-6361-1 and SCP-6361-2 Appeared. Seemingly made out of the remains of [DATA EXPUNGED] and Steel beems. we call this phenomenom SCP-6361-3. SCP-6361-3 is extremely Hostile and should be terminated on sight. SCP-6361-3 is around 9 Feet Tall and able to Rip Apart all of the containment doors with its Pure physical Strenght. if SCP-6361-3 Spots any Class D, SCientist or Guard it Will Scream once loudly before charging and Brutally bashing them. to bloody pieces. However SCP-6361-3 Seems to ignore other SCP's But will not Go out of its way to not fight with them. SCP-6361-3's Flesh seems to be inpenetrable to The Regular Bullets but Acid and Fire seems to work the best taking it out in minutes. INCIDENT LOG 1: A rebbelious Class D was asked to Make a request by SCP-6361 but it kept insulting that all it would Do is kill them anyways. SCP-6361 Seemed to not react at first. however after 30 minutes of straight up negative Words and insults A bloodied Black hand shot out from the input part And Dragged the Class D inside. As More Defy attempts are made it seems the Time SCP-6361 Can take Before grabbing the D Class inside. Shortens Every time. However it seems to not go lower than 1 minute. Also it seems to understand between Humour insults and Cussing and Has tolerance if the person doesnt really mean it. The class D's Taken are later found Weeks later as SCP-6361-3 RESEARCH LOG: Class D-XXXX Requests: A logo of the facility. SCP-6361 Demands: 5 Steel Beems. Results: a 3X3M Drawing of the logo Was produced. it was made out of metal DR. DEAD Request: A Duck swallowing a Spear. SCP-6361 Demands: 12 Chocolate bars , 1 Steel beam and 5 wooden planks Results: a 1x1M Drawing of the request. but an additonal Duck was made in the background for unkown reasons [SEE ADDENDUM 4] [DATA EXPUNGED] Requested: a Drawing about [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED]and to make it life size as well. SCP-6361 Stays completely Silent for 1 Minute before Screaming Could be heard from the input. 1 minute later in the output Part 2 eyeballs and hair from [DATA EXPUNGED] were found. SCP-6361 Seems to refuse any contact for 3 days. Dr Codey landsonn Requests: A Waifu bear with big ____ on a life Size bodypillow SCP-6361 Demands: 5 bottles of Water , 20 Pillows , [DATA EXPUNGED] and 1 pound of feathers. Results:a 2x0.5M Bodypillow was produced and DR codey was in uncontrollable ecstacy for 15 minutes before he was brought to his senses. ADDENDUM 4: it seems That lifelike Statue replica's of the requested Drawings are found across Site 104 These Statues are completely sentient and are capable of moving and listening. however they are unable to move their face and so incapable of speach. Humanoid Statues are Called SCP-6361-1 and as far as we know are completely Harmless. Seeming to help the person that requested them. Non Humanoid Statues are known as SCP-6361-2 and act the same as SCP-6361-1. If a breach is happening Most SCP's Ignore Any Instance of SCP-6361-1 and SCP-6361-2. With the exception of the Feral SCP's that act on instinct only. So if one of the Statues SEe one of those scp's they can blend in with the wall or fold themselfes into paper to stay undetected. INCIDENT LOG 2: A Massive containment Breach Which included Multiple SCP's From Euclid to the one thaumium Broke Free. Instances of the more intelligent sCP'S have been seen Dragging Corpses to SCP-6361 most likely as Material/payment for their drawing's. or to make their lifeless corpses more Usefull. in any Case if its the latter it seems SCP-6361 has a way to communicate with other SCP's the Lifeless Corpses Were later found to be turned into SCP-6361-3. INCIDENT LOG 3: D-4996 had Broken Free and Came Acros SCP-6361-2-B [SEE ADDENDUM 5] and a multitute of SCP-6361-1. at the same time SCP-6666 had broken Free as well. SCP-6666 And D-4996 Found Each other And SCP-6666 Proceeded to attack D-4996. However all of the 6361-1 Showed inhuman Strenght and reaction speed And broke SCP-6666's Spine. after 10 minutes of fighting SCP-6666 was Beaten to a Bloody pulp and Died.[not exterminated sadly] D-4996 was later terminated by Facility guards in the entrance zone ADDENDUM 5:SCP-6361-2-B Seems to be the additional Duck in the Drawing from Dr Dead. it seems to move between all facilities at Site-104 it usually is not found on the camera if it doesnt want to be found. otherwise you call it and it usually appears.