I was banned for no reason

i was banned cause i got rdm’ed several times and got revenge by rdm’ing back pls some one help

To begin with This is bug reports. i will explain why this isn’t a BUG. but INTENDED.

  1. Need a screenshot of the ban. to MAYBE get unbanned you need to talk to the person that banned you.

  2. There WAS a reason. Revenge RDM is never OK. if they RDM you you need to report them and continue playing as normal. there is KARMA for a reason.

  3. To get Un-banned you need to apologise, show understanding that you wont RDM again and show a knowledge of the rules (in the main forum of the server) This is not a 100% guarantee to get un-banned but this is what i would suggest.

(this post is also in the wrong area)

EDIT : After getting information from this discord. Your charges includes - Suspected teaming and Mass RDM`ing.
So uuuh. Your fucked.


no i wasent it was a misuderstading pls i love your severs i will never rdm again

sorry pls i was pissed off that i kept getting rdm’'ed at the begining of every round by the same guy

Took it out of bug reports :+1:
Also you need to follow the correct format for a ban appeal which can be found somewhere. Some other staff member will tag it within a few days.