New Exotics Hat/Mask Ideas!

FuSe’s hat/mask ideas #2 (some of these are kinda meh ideas, but I figured may as well throw some out)

Kirby - Mask
When you shoot someone, you get an exact copy of their guns. There is no limit to how many times you can do this, but it despawns your weapons (this is to avoid lag issues) everytime you switch to a new pair of guns. This is mostly a meme idea, but would be really fun and would effectively balance itself out

Sapper - Hat
Shooting someone applies an effect that drains their health slowly (around 10 seconds or so total, to avoid balancing issues when equipped with a sniper), stopping after 15 hp has been dealt. This is essentially a hat made for finishing people off.

Pyro’s Wet Dream - Mask
Lighting yourself on fire via incendiary grenade or other means will actually light you on fire, speeding you up by 15-30%, making your firerate faster, recoil higher, and raise your clip size. This would basically encourage people to go to a populated area, light themselves on fire, and then run around gunning people down for 30 seconds until they die via their own fire.

The Thorn - Hat
Halfs your hp at the upside of raising every other attribute raisable. Speed, damage, firerate, clipsize, accuracy, credits, etc all see some form of raise (id recommend around 10% and +1 credit, but this will need to be thoroughly tested for the sake of balance)

Brick Wall - Mask (Description: you are up against the wall and I am the fucking wall)
-70% movement speed, double health, and you can’t jump. This would be hilarious with dual huges, I wanna be a tank

The Force - Mask
Shooting someone raises their gravity. Thats it. Wouldnt be to good, but it would see some use in fucking over sweaty super bullets/sso/moonman users, and it would be really fun when it goes off.

The Randomizer - Hat
This idea has probably existed before and many a time, but im making it anyway. Completely randomizes your player stats every round (hp, speed, fall damage, and jump boost) with a hard cap on the maximums and minimums (probably -25% to +25% for all)

Goose Head v2 - Mask
When you shoot someone, they get slowed down, at the cost of reduced damage (-60%, this makes it so at best you could have a hardly better than stock gun) (yes i stole goose gun idea and turned it into a mask fuck you)

The Dualinator - Hat
Makes whatever gun your holding dual, but lowers the stats by 25% across the board and triples the recoil.

Terminator - Mask
Each rightful kill buffs damage, firerate, speed, and hp by 1%, with no cap. Mostly useless on inno rounds, pretty good on T rounds, similar to gambler.

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