Suggestion: get more staff members!

this has been brung up many times before but it is up to harry when he wants new staff member which other staff members need to put their say into who would be good and should be put forward and they get staff, this happens near enough every new update or after it, sometimes later. It is usually people who play the server and are ‘trusted’ that get put into the staff team, and will not ‘abuse’ their powers, Although most staff aren’t on for different reasons, so more staff members would be needed as we need more active staff, most the time only 2 out of 9 are frequent on, as most of them come on for 30 mins then leave or only come on when other staff are on then leave when the other staff leaves. Plus there is a constant of rule breaking which only gets dealt with when a staff member is on which is kinda annoying as they only come on when at certain times which ruins the fun for others as they can’t do anything about the ‘rulebreaker’ and this leaves a bad representation of the server, and this can happen for the whole day until a staff is pestered to come on or when they do come on.
I see why you’ve had a bad experience so far on the server as staff,like i said, aren’t on frequently that ruins your experience of constant rdm and no punishment, but hopefully this post will enlighten the staff that they’ll need to come up with something to deal with this, whether it be a new staff member or they come on more frequent.