T weapon suggestion

I posted this in the actual suggestions channel a few months ago and it got some positive attention but no attention from the devs so I thought I’d post it here now

Basically it’s a soundless gun with 1 shot. When you hit someone they can be seen through walls by your t buddies and they take extra damage from your t buddies and the one who kills them gets a credit. These effects don’t apply to yourself so you can’t just abuse this for an easy kill. The affect also only manifests after like 3 seconds.


Also maybe instead of 1 shot it’s infinite shots but the gun breaks when a target is hit?

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i didnt understand anything

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Sounds like a great concept

A team play t-weapon that you mark for death some one. you can take our priority targets or mess with people.

We shall now wait for all eternity for harry to impliment this


ok i made some edits

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we must pray to harry

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hmmm, seems like a reasonable idea.


Presuming i post here for gun suggestions. How about a dragonov? With the possibility of no scope and a scope.

You make a thread with your suggestion, you don’t comment on an old thread.

Go back to the suggestions page and click on the plus sign at the bottom right.