Thought On Helpers (Please Share)

Wait there’s even more helpers now? Didn’t think the server was that active that it needed more…unless you’re getting an increase due to the fall of Moat?


When was the last time you logged in lmao


Not for helpers to commune with staff fill that role perfectly. I mean normal members to get help w/ things like getting verified, rerolling weapon stats (if they are confused), and asking other sorts of basic informational questions. Staff can fill the role but having some1 designated to be asked might help who ofc knows how to help / handle every little thing would be nice.

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We have quite a few new helpers . You should come see.

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I get that, but why make that one lone person’s responsibility when we have a whole group of people who already fill that role perfectly?

because i see a lot of members get lost still. I’m not saying a lot of people don’t try to fill that role but having someone clearly designated to might help some of the more “confused” members.

I feel you’ve missed the point. There is no need whatsoever for having one person designated to one thing when we have a whole group doing it. If one person took over, it would likely cause more problems as they can’t always be around to answer questions and help people work shit out. I get the idea, but it’d just be complicating the way we already do things unnecessarily.

Okay i see what you mean.

Was a couple of weeks after Deagle got promoted I think? Since then I’ve moved to my new flat with the girls and been focused on uni. Plus my Ethernet cable for that room isn’t long enough so I need to buy a new one unless I want a tightrope in the middle of my room. Wby? Been a long time bro

fabrication you’ll never be a pimp get out.


Paddy was also literally online when you said this

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Bruh…chill. Also why the fuck would I want to be a pimp? That’s not my kinda lifestyle at all :joy::joy: it’s also common knowledge here what my moving plans were so no lies at all.

Fairs. I wasn’t anywhere near my laptop so couldn’t see lol

I love how shitposting has devolved into us editing each other’s posts being stupid lmao

Edit: Pomegranate

Edit 2: Rhys is a cunt

Edit 3: Succulent slippery sosig

Edit 4: As Rhys is leaving I will give him all of my sosigs since I’m so kind

Edit 5: I am a big smelly pineapple

Edit 6: i do not like the looks of yorkshire pudding as it leaves me in bad gas and makes me think of gooses instead of ducks

Edit 7: Extreme quonks


He sexes all the whamens


Yuck! that is stinky!!!


only reason girls let luke get close to them is cus they think he’s gay 100%


no one cares you can leave again cuck bye


Imma just…