Which Harry is the true Harry?

As some of you may know, there are too many Harry’s on the discord currently. To attempt to solve this issue, I have created a poll to help decide who is the true Harry. So vote for your favorite Harry and we will find out who is the best.

  • White harry
  • Red harry
  • Blue harry
  • Yellow harry
  • Green harry
  • Fake blue harry

0 voters

I also refuse to add any more Harry’s to this poll. Fakes get no votes.

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You voted for yourself you sneaky mango


I am inster. I voted for white Harry, the best mango in the multiverse

I may be a Harry, but I am not the true Harry. #bluebrigade

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I must, respectfully, say that all blue Harry’s are fakes (par the true blue meharryp). We all know that white Harry is our God. #whitewins

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