Your Favourite (Alcoholic) Drink

After reading through the shite that has came out of the forums recently-necromancy isn’t really my thing-I thought I would attempt to add a semi decent discussion for us to enjoy.
This would be your favourite alcoholic (If you are of age as we are responsible people) drink at home or on a night out-because I’m interested for some reason as I work in a bar
If you are not of the age to drink alcohol feel free to enlighten me of any other drinks you enjoy.
For me it has always got to be a beer-lager,stout,IPA whatever it many be-my preferred out of them is a Peroni

Feel free to add to the conversation below to keep this forums alive


I drank once. I hated it. Felt sick. Never again.

So I binge Irn Bru.


hmm, probably something along the lines of a toffee apple cider.


I only use alcohol to clean my gerbil’s cage.
Alcohol is bad.


Your entitled to your opinion-just know I think your wrong :wink:

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cheapest beer/cider possible + shots because i hate the taste of alcohol so just get my lightweight ass drunk fast af boii

sometimes mojito and Piña colada aswell if i’m feelin fancy yeye


Whisky or scotch.

If you want to be super drunk after 4-5 full drink glasses - whisky with cola

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Well I’m personally just came of age but I’m pretty against drinking it (I’ll rephrase, it just doesn’t tempt me). But at the right amounts alcohol is actually good for your body and mind.

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Depends on my mood-

Jack Daniels and Irn bru is a good shout
Cherry sours and coke (half and half)
Thatchers cider

If I’m on holiday, it’s metaxa every time x


Are Jewish people allowed to drink in Isreal or is it just frowned up on to be getting drunk?

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We’re allowed from the ago of 18. But the thing is Israel is full of people from different cultures, Russian drink vodka, those originating from middle Eastern countries drink Arak (anise based alcoholic drink), others drink whiskey and beer. It really depends on the person and their cultures.
Not to mention wine is drank in Jewish holidays and is greatly appreciated and is mention in the Bible.


I’m not technically old enough to drink, but I like Strawberry Mango Vodka


I dont drink alcoholic beverages, i tried it once and didnt like it. My favourite drink that is killing my liver is Monster 44 (Lewis Hamilton Edition) image
or fruit punch monster.image
My favourite drink that isnt killing my liver is probably Karibbean Kola image


liquid poo, v nice

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Awwww yeah this is my kinda threat! Ok, where do I start?
(I am underage and not allowed to drink but fuck that shit. Too bad you’ll never be rad)

My favorite drink is simply a vodka mixed with some Red Bull (50/50 mix).

As a support to get me extra drunk I like to take shots of tequila.

A desperados is nice from time to time.

Maybe an Amstel Biertje. (Heineken sucks I.M.O)

Favorite cocktail: Sex on the Beach :scream:

Of course Cola with a lil Bacardi in it. Or just shots pure bacardi if I want a wild night.

Or just cola with whisky for casual.

Enough answers?

  • An underage kid with a crippling alcohol addiction.

I drink ducks




how high are you?

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170cm, as of last measure.


Dude, you’re supposed to be English, he asked you how high you are, not how tall. British trash…