Ban appeal- s1dewalk

Standing ovation

1 peice of evidence which could easily (and is ) me just being straight unlucky

Perfectly flicking to a persons head when its not normal to flick to watch there THEN PERFCTLY following another person though a wall is perfectly legit. both their heads where perfectly followed.

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There is no following in that video

Im on his head for one second then move off

also where is the flick part?

As Ive said before , you only moved away because you noticed Aldron was spectating you and turned it off.

You cant just assume that i know somone is spectating me also if i did have hacks i wouldnt have placed my crosshair there but as i have no hacks it was all me being unlucky

All im saying is IF I HAD AIM ASSISIT and SPECTATING HACKS (or whatever they are) I wouldnt* have “toggled” my aim assisit on in the first place that is being i had that sort of software

The amount of immature comments on this topic disgusts me, especially as a new player to this community, i’d like to know how this is SOLID proof? it’s a tad dodgy for sure, especially when someone is less skilled at the game will instantly jump to the conclusion “oh they are hacking” he isn’t hacking, he’s too consistent, if someone were to spec him and then he “turns it off” he wouldn’t be as consistent when you spec him would he?

It’s so stupid to ban a regular player for not even solid proof, oh wow you were spectating him and he accidently locks onto someone, it’s a 6 second clip, a skilled player can easily predict someone would be there… he wasn’t following him consistently either, he only shaked his mouse.

Ever wondered what happend before that clip? he saw someone go in there? no… because you all are focussed on that exact 6 seconds.

i personally have 6.3k hours in gmod, i know what or what not hacking is, i know none of you are gonna listen to me as a new player in this community but how you handle people here makes me not want to play on here again.

One more thing, i’ve known him for around 2 years, never seen him hack ever, he always been this consistent. Stop being so narrow minded people, holding grudges seems so immature.

These are my thoughts, i’ll be awaiting my ban for bhop scripting i guess, because yaknow, if u hit 3 consistent hops is the same as accidently locking on someone through the wall isn’t it?

Educate yourself before you reply to me first please.

EDIT: It honestly feels like y’all are finding a reason to get rid of him, grow up, jesus christ.



Oh yeah ya right buddy loofloof

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And there is his point proven in one comment^

Take your condescending, holier-than-thou attitude, turn it sideways, shove it so far up your arse that you discover the 4th dimension, then come back to us when you learn how to talk to people. Because when one of your first things is “when someone is less skilled”, and you close off with “educate yourself”, you really don’t give anyone any reason to listen to you.


I want you to take a look 2 seconds in at slow motion. Put yourself in that situation.

He comes out of vents. Sees a man Going up the ladder and then Flicks Left. It so happens a players head is directly where he flicks. but yes that COULD be coincidence. However the damning evidence is the next thing he does. He Locks Onto the next player In the drawers. Follows the head PERFECTLY. then acts normally.

Why aim at a wall when no one is there?

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That comment doesn’t contribute to this appeal in anyway he is right he is the only person who has contributed an a professional manner

A player which played this game for a long time has the crosshair ALWAYS at head height. imagine you spectating someone for hours and hours, surely one time the person LOCKS at someone through a wall right? because you see everyone through the wall, they don’t.

Thanks for the mature reply though

Also everyone is saying i locked perfectely onto his head all you can see is his name tag no body or anything so say i flicked perfectly is just an an exaggeration

A fair point But that proves my point. Why would a person aim at a persons head directly Though a wall? He had no idea that person would be in drawers.

If it was a legit play he would be aiming WHERE he would appear. Not where he is.

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Torterra thats where your wrong i knew somebody was in the drawer because my radar blip was leading me to the drawer

I get what you mean but yet again that isn’t SOLID evidence, he was shaking his mouse at that moment, something i usually do myself aswell, it was one hell of a lucky flick which is unlucky for him because ALOT of players seem to want to get rid of him